Sofa Cum Bed Guide

Ribbonic Sofa Cum Wall Beds

Ribbonic sofa cum bed (Folding leg)

  • Gives a luxurious look to your room.
  • Does not require any extra fittings for the sofa.
  • You can easily design your sofa for a different and luxurious look.
Ribbonic Sofa Cum Wall Beds

Ribbonic sofa cum bed (Support leg)

  • Gives a luxurious look to your room.
  • The support legs are sold separately by us.
  • You can see the support legs (which are connected with a plywood sheet) in the image. Using the support legs gives an extra look to your wall bed.
Ribbonic sofa cum bed (Folding leg)

Ribbonic sofa cum bed (Hidden leg)

  • The support legs are sold separately by us.
  • You can see the image which has attached hidden legs with a wall bed. This isn’t visible from the front of the wall bed. When you open the wall bed then you have to pull out the hidden legs and put down the panel on the floor.
  • Give awesome look to your Ribbonic sofa cum bed by using these hidden legs.
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